So more Salmon than ever are running the Kelvin – this means more fisherman will be going after them. With this news I am rubbing my hands in glee as Salmon are a fish I have no interest in catching. Well, when I say that, what I mean is I have no interest other than…
I fish because…
A pal lent me a book a while ago and a paragraph came back into my mind as I have been analysing exactly why I enjoy fly fishing for trout so much. Robert Traver was a man I would have liked to fish with I think I fish because I love to; because I love…
A reply to a comment…
So I received this interesting comment today in an old post….My numbering is in bold so that I can add comments appropriately Comment by icatchkelvinsalmon 10/1/2007 @ 4:55 pm “18031 Comment by kevin 26/4/2006 @ 10:44 am you said the river at the Vet School was busy?…was it busy with salmon anglers? are the salmon…
Kelvin AGM- 23rd January TUESDAY 7pm
So members of the River Kelvin Angling Club will soon be receiving the annual reports and accounts of the club. It is also the notice of when the AGM will be taking place. Last week I received a letter stating the AGM would be taking place on Thursday 25th January at 7 pm in Partck…
Fly Tying – Milngavie Update (North Glasgow Fly Dressers)
This is a repost!! Ok, I have now been sent the program for the Milngavie fly tying night. The club is now up and running, the first night is January 11th at 7pm in Milngavie Library and the cost will be £3 per visit. The following flies will be demonstrated which will give a good…
Speeding in Denmark
Now that I can drive to my fishing I think about travelling abroad to places i would not have thought of before. I suppose I will have to learn a lot of new signs and things……oh well, here is one I should get straight away !
Experts Predict A Scorcher
Experts Predict A Scorcher People around the world will experience the warmest year on record in 2007, it has been predicted. Climate change experts say global temperatures are expected to be 0.54C above the long-term average of 14C. There is a 60% probability that 2007 will be as warm or warmer than the current warmest…
Celebrity Big Brother- Dirk Benedict
In case you did not know – Celebrity Big Brother is once more gracing our screens in th UK and there is an angler in there- a fly fisherman no less. Yup, it is Dirk Benedict of the A-Team and Battlestar Galactica fame. He has even wrote a few fly fishing booksIf your wife or…
The Poacher’s Handbook
I recieved this book as a christmas present… Took me a couple of days to read it and I must say that it is simply a lovely read. It made me want to get up in the wee small hours to set up a long net to catch some Hares and then use my stoat…
72 days and counting
Oh, aye…Happy New Year!!. So a nice quiet time was had on Hogmanay. I think it was at around 2pm on the first that I suddenly realised that I had not caught a fish all year. Alex has been making a killing with the Pike and is considering buying a nine weight whilst I have…