I was visiting the Glasgow Angling Centre the other day with Mike and we got around to discussing hooks as you do when you meet up with any angler in the close season. Discussions in the close season all come around to fishing eventually, usually a lot more in-depth conversations are to be had during…
Flies for the new season- klinkhammer special….part 1
This time around I do not want to start the season with around 4 trout attacked flies that I need to struggle along with until I can be bothered tying up some more. My idea is that I will build up a little stock of essential flies so that I do not have to panic…
Fishing hats off to the Accidental Angler
Windknotter does a lovely write up on the Accidental Angler Fishing hats off to the Accidental Angler You can now buy the book from Amazon
Five Things You Dont Know About Alistair Stewart
Tom Chandler over at Trout Underground in his business disguise decided to pass me the “Blog Tag” poison chalice where I get to share five things that you probably don’t know about me. Considering I had a “100 things about me” page up for a year I don’t think there is anything left but for…
Rain, rain and a bit more rain (with some extas)
If you do not live in Scotland then I don’t have to tell you the weather has been bad. For my international readers I can tell you the Scotland is stuck with an area of low pressure that is causing wild winds, torrential rain, thunder n lightning (with hailstones) and generally making fishing impossible. When…
River Kelvin Trip Pt2 – YouTube
And here is part two of that nice little video
What is the script with my Tippet?
I have had a bit of a bad year with tippet material. At the start of the season I bought some “Frog Hair†and really liked it. It turned over well and had a good fine diameter. For some reason it started to deteriorate rapidly. About half way through the spool I noticed that when…
River Kelvin Trip Pt1 – YouTube
Was wandering around youtube and came across this-Should give my international readers a little flavour of just how urban the Kelvin actually is 🙂 [tags]river kelvin video [/tags]