For new readers Kelvinography is the name of spotting stuff named after the Kelvin. There are a few examples around Glasgow. I have not added this to my Christmas Amazon Wishlist as I have another funky wee multitool however here we have one named after the kelvin. [amazon_image id=”B005QAL918″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]Kelvin.23 Multi-Tool – Black[/amazon_image]…
Tamanawis – You Crazy!
Tamanawis has always been an erratic poster. It feels like just the other day that I was fishing with him however on the phone a few weeks (months ago) he told me it had been years. That frightens me, to think the years are sliding past. I found some photos from a few years ago… Back…
The usual Christmas book…
As usual I am gonna recommend this book on the Kelvin if you do not have it already. [amazon_image id=”0953657620″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”large” ]Glasgow’s Other River: Exploring the Kelvin[/amazon_image]
Release the Hounds (Forum Reports)
I had forgotten how good having a forum was, now I get to read what other guys on the Kelvin get up to. This post is taken directly from the forum and I think shows the nature of urban fishing at its best. Trout and Salmon Guru Aleister Polson writes about a regular issue with urban anglers –…
Even More Freaky Friday Photos..
Have a great weekend!
Vermin Traps
I had absolutely no idea when I went online looking for some cheap mouse traps what I would find. I have been bothered by the odd mouse for a while now, it started with a scratching in my attic and then progressed to the wee beasts nipping across the floor when I was getting the…
Need an idea for a gift?
Guys, I will make this a quick one. Does anyone ever ask you what you would like as a gift at Christmas and you have absolutely no idea what to tell them? Can I just recommend the most useful wee tool known to man over at Craigdon Mountain Sports, it is the Gerber Butterfly Suspension…
Do you see something beautiful?
Do you see something beautiful?
Urban Fly Fisher Forum – phase 3
OK, some people might think I am a glutton for punishment however phase three of the Urban Fly Fisher Forum is now live. You may remember phase one and two, they were fun phases and we had around 300 members and it was good while it lasted. However a clean sweep was needed as quite frankly…
More freaky Friday Photos..
Just to freak you out for the weekend, here are some more freaky photos!