Going by what people have been searching for on my fancy blog stats some people are trying to work out why anglers says “Tight Lines” to each other. Here from my archives is what I have got to say on the matter: I loathe the saying “tight lines”, I can remember when people started using…
Stress Relief
A two day migraine Thursday and Friday followed by a rather snazzy ocular migraine on the Saturday due to sleep deprivation, selling house (and packing up house), preparing for a job interview plus the usual work related stress stuff left me wanting a simple fishing experience on the Sunday. Consequently the Kelvin was hit by Jim Burns…
Redington Sonic Pro Stocking Foot Wader Review
I read somewhere that breathable waders come in two types: 1. Those that are leaking. 2.Those that are about to leak. As much as people laugh at this it is absolutely and totally true. Of course what you want to know is the time it takes between your waders getting from the 2nd type to…
An afternoon right up the shit pipe!
The weather was for high winds, heavy showers and low temps. Feck all that lets go to the river of shit pipes on Sunday I said to myself on the Saturday as I was starting to feel real withdrawal from fishing. Usually at this time of the year we can choose to not go fishing however finding the…
An uneventful birthday…
Well, I do not know if it will be or wont be as it is actually next week and I am saying it is uneventful as it is my last year of being in my 30s so in the grand scheme of things it is not like a “big” birthday yet is kinda symbolic…….and breathe!…
The Airflo Story
I will be honest and say that I have not used an Airflo line in years. They used to have a reputation of being a bit poor however to be honest I never noticed any difference between them and other makes. Like anything some folk swear by them and some do not! Kieron Jenkins shared a…
Oh Fuuuuuuu….
So last night I got the vice out and tied some flies. At last. I am one of those people who do actually need to have a purpose to tie flies so the fact that I needed some comparaduns to imitate olives was good enough reason to get the bad boy out and get tying….
Static Accounts!
I managed a second trip out after work the other day however this time it was a much chillier affair. Even though the temp was hovering around the 7 degree point the wind chill brought it down significantly. Consequently the spot I chose for the assault was a poor decision as it is quite exposed as it…