A full day pass was acquired and I set off on the two hour drive up the M74 to the Annan to meet my old fishing buddy Emanuele for some education around Italian casting techniques. The one thing I had to remember was to leave both car seats for my wife so that it would…
The Kelvin remains the best..
I have a couple of bugbears when meeting and talking to other anglers (not the two chaps I met this evening) but other guys who shall remain nameless. One of my bugbears is some guys ability to tell the size of a trout by the way it rises. Oh sure, I am quite aware that…
Italian Style Casting
Long time sufferers readers will remember my first proper fishing buddy Emanuele who I used to fish the Clyde with around 10 years ago. He buggered off to Hull and has been casting his micro drys on chalk streams to willing huge trout unlike our belligerent Scottish trout. He has emailed me a few times about…
Right Place, Wrong Time
The dry run ceased with an evening session on a highland river. It almost did not as when I arrived it was very low and barren looking. The day was hot and I had been day dreaming about finding a nice long deep pool where trout would be rising at dusk however after an initial…
Dry Spell Continues!
So my dry spell continues despite a serious attack at the Pike yesterday. A wee lochan which has been on my radar for quite some time was finally accessed using the tubes. The lochan could not look any more Pikey – it was entirely reed and lilly pad lined. In fact getting into the loch…
I appear to have missed out posting some outings over the last few weeks however to be honest there has not been much to write home about. Usually time off work means extra fishing however after my family holiday to Holland I just never got around to heading out after trout. Well, that is not…
At least someone might get some fishing…
I was heading out for an evening session and then turned back due to the road being closed. I am at home now as quite frankly it was the last sign I needed that I should just stay home. I had asked everyone I knew today if they fancied joining me however between football and…
Interesting fishing..
I headed to my highland stream after work only to be confronted by my arch enemy at the start of some nice pools. This was my first proper evening session of the year. Look, I am perfectly aware that they are totally harmless, you just shoo them away etc etc blah blah blah however I…
Before the rain…
Fishing has been slow of late for a few reasons. One is that I have not had the chance to have my usual couple of hour sessions on the Kelvin due to living just too far out of reach to make it feasible. This will be less of an issue come July when the kids…
Tube the loch..
This loch was the reason we had pretty much bought tubes. We had fished it at the end of last season and had a really good session, we wished we could have got out into some of the fish further into the loch and some of the water was unfishable because of steep cliffs so we…