Last night I realised that I had not actually caught a fish all year. You read that correct = all f*cking year! We are a day away from June and I was damn near on my longest blank of the last 25 years. This is due to the fact that due to a rather nasty…
Highland Blanks
Headed past the fault line being chased by the weather. First option was washed out and in a field so continued on. Finally settled with the beach casters – we tried to buy some extra bait in a supermarket but never found any! We thought about tubing a loch on the way back however a…
Kelvin account…
When I took some bags out to the wheelie bin this morning it was warm, at least the sun was shining and I did not skuttle back in to the house. Instead I stood and felt the sun on my face and wanted to catch a trout. It has been a long busy winter (hence…
What time is it ?
Fishing Time !
Weirdly, the last trout I caught…
Weirdly, the last trout I caught was not caught in a river. It was caught in the salt in Helensburgh…
I froze myself to -273.1 degrees Celcius…..
My friends were worried, but I’ll be 0k.
Fly Fishing the River Irwell and other Streams
Found a fantastic blog – Fly Fishing the River Irwell and other Streams Some of the pictures remind me a lot of the Kelvin. With the fantastic line of “Three fish rising here caught none of them.” That is the kind of report that I think we can all relate to! Bravo!
Well, that was the season that was!
Where did it end eh? I know for some of you guys it was awesome! I know for some of you guys it was shite! For me it must have been the most varied, shortest and most frantic in the history of this old creaky blog. Instead of being highs and lows it was almost…