It has been some time since I last fished for a full 9 hours. Over the last couple of years my fishing time has been snatched evenings or a couple of hours after work. Its because of the kids, I want to spend time with them before they grow up. For this reason I have…
Been fishing…
Caught some fish too! Heading out to the Clyde in an hour or so, will update later! See ya!
Mid Season Review
It is doing ok. It could be better; a lot better however it could be a lot worse like last summer when it was just totally shite. What we need right now is some rain to liven thing sup a bit, not the torrential months lasting kind more the couple of days “just enough to…
Summer Fly Stocktaking
I spent the evening tying flies. Actually that was a bit of a fib, I spent a couple of hours stocktaking my fly box and then amalgamated good flies from other boxes into the one I carry the most. This involved taking some old favorites like my Scruffy Kelvin Olive and some miscellaneous paraloops and…
The nights are fair drawing in chaps….
I encountered my first problem almost as soon as I got to the river – my camera was totally dead. The boy had been playing around with it earlier and I think that he must have left it on letting the batteries run dry, no matter I had my wee [amazon_link id=”B004MMF7RI” target=”_blank” ]Kodak PlaySport Zx5[/amazon_link]that…
The Luggie, the Kelvin and a lost phone!
So I have in fact had an eventful week or so which did in fact involve some fishing. I met Jim Burns down at a wee bridge over the Luggie as it is now on the Kelvin permit. I have been getting messages from @JBrownisky on Twitter who has been letting me know about pollution incidents as…
Random Photo Friday…
It is Friday again, no fishing for me as I shall be driving 300 miles to Birmingham this evening. If you want to cheer me up you can use the comments, forum or Facebook to let me know what you guys are up to. Here is a random photo of the Kelvin to keep you going, I hope you guys get…
Why are all my rivers weirdly white just now?
I had an evening on the Kelvin the other night with the mighty Jim Burns, we both blanked or if we did catch a trout it was nothing to write home about. We fished until dusk and then had a spot of action lasting 20 mins, even though trout were rising we managed to not…