Clocks went back last night …you gain an hour if you don't have kids! # Going to try and spot salmon trying to get up the fish pass on the allander ! # Powered by Twitter Tools
Tenuous fishing photos 44/52
This picture was actually sent to me by a chap called Tommy – he photographed these weird long white worm like things sprouting from the river – like him I have absolutely no idea what they are – they were nowhere near any pipes etc. Anyway – after a brief email exchange Paul was dispatched to…
Why the .net is good for your fishing!
I really enjoy having a fishing blog – you may have noticed this over the years! I enjoy it so much I recommend everyone has one – because of the success of Urban Fly Fisher everyone at one point appeared to want to create a website dedicated to the Kelvin 🙂 When I look back…
Production Fly Tying – get yer’ vice on!
Time to get the old vise out for the Winter – I fully intend on visiting the Milngavie Fly Tyers again this year if I can find the time the odd Thursday night. Been flicking through my books on fly tying and always find this one a joy.. (the image is an affiliate link to Amazon which…
Sunday at the Salmon Ladder…
The clocks went back on Saturday night meaning I was up even earlier on Sunday – I was instructed to leave the house with the boy so decided that a trip to the Salmon ladder in Milngavie was in order – let me stop you right there before you get all excited n’ stuff –…
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-10-31
Attending a Kelvin committee meeting .. I hope stuffing envelopes is not on the agenda! # Powered by Twitter Tools
It is actually a nice day ….
Some more photos – why not!
Tenuous fishing photos 43/52
The last day of the season is upon us – not the proper trout one – the funky salmon one! Today was kinda planned out a week or so ago – a few pals and I were supposed to go fishing and then retire to a house for some bevy ! As the date got…
Tenuous fishing photos 42/52
Just ten weeks to go until the new year – aye, from these on in it will be an uphill struggle until the new season is upon us! The picture is actually one sent to me by Paul Reid – is is supposed to be used on the official Kelvin site but I have like…
Tenuous fishing photos 41/52
Continuing my (ahem) weekly tenuous fishing photo should actually be a bit easier now that the trout season has finished. Pretty much every photo will be tenuous now! Looking upstream of the bonhill bridge pool on the leven… as you can see – motorcycles can’t do stunts!