Kelvin account opened – 5/2
Bugger it! All this talk of freezing cold temps and slow start to the season has really gotten on my goat. Consequently I decided that enough was enough and it was actually time to cast a fly and have a look for myself. After work I bolted to the river to find it looking barren and incredibly unfishy. However…
There used to be…
Not long ago on the Kelvin there used to be not that many guys fishing the river for trout. Sometimes I would go whole months without meeting another fly angler.. I give a wry smile to myself when I meet guys who say they have been fishing the river “for years”. I was lucky enough…
We are going hunting boys!
Once the afternoon looked as if it was heating up some I got the boys into their warm coats and headed along to the Kelvin. I had heard stories of trout in some rivers still responding to olives even though it was snowing and wanted to see if I was being premature in dismissing the…
When I think..
When I think about what once was I think about what we have now And I think about what we might have in the future
Opening Celebration! (I think)
As you can see from the last post conditions on the Saturday were not exactly ideal for trout fishing. It was freezing however I managed to combat that by wearing two pairs of thermal long-johns, a thermal vest and some layers. This only meant my hands were exposed to the elements and within minutes they were…
I noticed a few emails coming in this week regarding folk wanting “trout & fly only” tickets for the local ditch. We had decided to make them application by post only to stop any riff raff getting a hold of them and fishing with giant salmon lures and the last couple of seasons have seen…
This is it!
The start of the season has not seen me fishing. In fact it has allowed me an opportunity to actually have the choice not to go fishing. Instead I have been looking at all my stuff and deciding that I need a few extras to keep me going. I met fishing buddy Alex down at the…