Headed south to the river – it was cold in the morning. The chill only left the air just after midday. There was some good hatches in the afternoon however no trout rose to them. At around 3.30pm a trout rose in front of me and displaced a fair amount of water – I cast…
JVice – one of my favourite things!
I have got to admit that I am terrible at tying flies – I mean, I used to be half decent however over the last few years the quality and amount plummeted. I guess it was the birth of my first child that caused it and don’t get me started on when the other two…
Saturday Salt Action
I found myself with that most satisfying time when I had a spare few hours this afternoon – boys were at various parties and out with friends so I was able to get a rod out and wave it around for a while. Obviously with a little heat in the air I wanted to go…
Catching fish is not actually the reason…
Ok, yea, It might be the purpose of going fishing however when you catch feck all you have got to justify it somehow. Looking outside the window today you would be forgiven for thinking that spring had sprung and it was a good day to fish. I however did not fish today, i went on…
This feels like…
The first day of the trout season !
I can’t remember when I realised that breathable waders are not like rods and reels and that they are more like fly lines – the damn things wear out over time. Before I got breathables I wore a pair of cheap as chips thigh waders that were made out of PVC or something, they cost…
Visited the House of Hardy Museum !
Just back from a visit to Northumberland – a place that I have never visited before. Whilst there I popped in to the Hardy Museum. It was quite interesting – even the kids enjoyed it. Sadly whilst I was in Northumberland I did not hear any woodpeckers despite keeping my ears peeled. See you at…
2023 River Kelvin Permits are now available
Paul phoned me last night – can you have a look at the Kelvin website, something is wrong with the shop. Bloody hell, the whole thing was buggered. I had to stick on a default theme and reinstall some stuff and thankfully folk can now buy permits through the site. All you have to do…
At this time last year I was down south a bit – not far, just down in the Lake District. What I noticed at that time was the fact that it was a couple of degrees warmer and it felt like spring was about to be sprung. One of the signs that really struck me…
Well, that is January out the way!
Thank goodness – January is the most horrible month there is. Freezing cold and miserable. Then it gets to February and check this nonsense out: