Pop star joins fight to save teashop from homes threat – Evening Times I see some new flats are being built next to a rather nice spot on The Kelvin. There are people demonstrating about this and have put up banners.. Its a damn shame that the flats are being built. Not only is it…
Things found in the Kelvin!
I was talking to an angler the other day about things that have been found in the river, its suprising really some of the strange things: 1. Recently a silver cup went for 800 pounds at auction…found by an angler! 2. Ive found various things from the mills, wheels etc 3. Roman things on stones…
I forgotton whilst I was becoming ill about the Kingfishers that i spotted a couple of times the last time i was fishing. It was deadly silent and it was one of those moments when everything is just so still and out of nowhere a blue streak just flew past my head…….damn nice. Im not…
The river was back in good condition today. There has been no more rain and the water colour had cleared but still left it a good level. I made someone whom mailed me recently and he had picked up a few fish so knew that it was going to be good. I started up at…
TheGlasgowStory: Garscube House
TheGlasgowStory: Garscube House Garscube House, 1954. Garscube House was designed by the architect William Burn (1789-1870) and completed in 1827. Burn designed other large country houses such as Tyninghame in East Lothian. The house faced south overlooking landscaped gardens beside the River Kelvin. Im trying to work out exactly where that picture got taken. In…
Dirty tricks at the vet school!
So I went down to the river this evening for a couple of hours. I went down for two reasons. One I wanted to catch fish and two I wanted to test my waders again…..im getting paranoid that they are leaking again after last night. Anyway, when i got there teh water was dirty and…
A nice evening!
So I took a stoat along to the river yesterday, well in the late afternoon actually. When i got their it was looking awfully coloured although what i have noticed is that the pools look cery brown but in the shallows and in the ruffles the water was a little clearer. Anyway I put on…
Whiting Golden Badger!!
So I got my Whiting Golden Badger saddle today….im very impressed. I knew the actual hackles would be longer but they are ridiculously long and thin you really can tell the difference in quality. It cost just under 15quid and i got it off ebay sent from the states. The colours are simply fantastic…..im going…
Bob Wyatt!!
So I see Bob Wyatt has his book coming out soon. I was having a read at this months Fly Fishing and Fly Tying magazine and he had an article about Grey Dusters. He ties a variant called a “Dirty Duster” …. …..This is one of the flies (not the ACTUAL fly, this is one…