People Make Glasgow
Wonky Boots – Scierra X-Tech CC6 Wading Boot Review
I decided I needed a new pair of wading boots at the start of the season. I discovered I had some cash on my Glasgow Angling Centre card so decided that the time was right to splash out. So I bought myself a pair of Scierra X-Tech CC6 wading boots with felt soles and then stuck…
Evening at the Dam!
Took a walk up a hill to my local Dam for the evening. Fished anti clockwise however found them spooky. The wind was blowing down up the water for a change and I lost a couple within the first 20 mins and then finally one came to the hand. I got to the top (bottom?)…
Broken Toe
Was away for a week to the middle class playground of Centr Parks and was supposed to meet up with Matt from North Country Angler. Unfortunately the only day I could get away was a day that winter appeared to strike with low temps and rain so we decided to cancel. Plus I had somehow…
I stood next to Paul as he lay on the ground moaning in pain. I am not a big fan of sympathy unless it is really bad (giving and receiving) however sometimes when another man has hurt himself and it will pass in a short while there is nothing you can or should say, even…
Salty Sins!
“So what you are telling me is that you have been catching huge numbers of stocked trout during what might be the best week of wild trout fishing we have had all year”? said Alex, after I had told him about a wee local club that I have joined that stock a couple of reservoirs…
How is your Season?
Mine is quite frankly weird! I have been hellish problems with my Mazda, before Christmas I managed to spend a ton of cash on it and now it appears to have a recurring oil leak that the mechanic is unable to locate. Since it has been in and out the garage my access to fishing…