So Alex and I had some serious small stream action at the weekend, coupled of course with a hefty dose of big river action. The small burn is part of the Kelvin system and had a nice amount of water in it due to there being a spot of rain a couple of days before….
Glasgow fined for polluting the Kelvin
Here is one I missed earlier….. Landfill activities cause problems for the environment 9 Jun 2006 – Ext01-D01 Landfill less. Recycle more. Protect the environment. This was the message from the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) this week, after one of Scotland’s largest Councils was fined for polluting a major Glasgow river. Glasgow City Council…
The Kelvin alas….
The Kelvin, alas, is still out of action after all that rain. So last Sunday was a bit of a non starter when it came to trout rising and flies hatching. I mean the water had settled from the day before- a little lower and clearer but there was very little action. I just took…
Fishing a Nymph…
I got to the river at around 0930 on Saturday which with hindsight a little optimistic as it was still quite chilly, there was no fly life and no fish moving. In fact I spent most of my time just sitting watching the water waiting for something to happen. When I got bored of that…
Lessons whilst fishing
An intense three days fishing, where to begin? Well on Friday I decided to hit the Kelvin as I have not fished it in a number of weeks now. A mixture of poor weather and the fact that at the weekends the place is chocka block made me fish other rivers. I decided on a…
Looks like Glory of the North
Mike has finally written up a report of his trip up North.. The Glory of the North
The fool I am !
So just what the monkeys have I been doing? Well, I have had two sessions fishing, one was down at my other river and one was on the tributary that I fish. In fact I would hardly call it a session as it was the first time that I have actually went fishing and only…
Oh why did Steve Irwin not see the Danger Danger !!!
So I have been hearing mixed views on the death of Steve Irwin the infamous crocodile hunter. For some, it was an accident waiting to happen for a reckless adrenalin junkie who was just in it for the cash and for others it was a tragic accident that robbed the world of a dedicated Australian…
Rain and Nymphs
Short and to the point report. Went fishing, caught a few fish to the dry fly even though it was raining. Alex caught a trout to his nymph which he got exited about (nearly drowning himself getting to my side of the river to show me it I might add) Telephoned Emmanuelle who agreed with…
What goes around…
There are those I imahine that would lump us anglers in with people like this…. BRITAIN’S most notorious collector of rare birds’ eggs died when he fell from a tree while examining a nest, an inquest has heard. Colin Watson, 62, climbed three-quarters of the way up a 40ft larch tree before falling to his…