I have really been enjoying the wee burn that I discovered a few weeks ago. It is strange as I have worked near it for years and have always wanted to have a cast on it for just as long and it is only now that I have finally got around to it. I am now finding new wee pools and riffles and using standard watercraft o work out where the trout will be sitting in what height of water. I have been watching the height go up and down and how it effects the spread of the trout. When it is high it feels that there are a lot of trout spread out and I wonder just how concentrated they must get when it is low.
When I arrived at the burn it was higher than usual and I could not help but think what fishing and casting opportunities would open up if someone took a saw and cut the odd branch here or there.

The burn is up a good half foot spreads the fish out and makes them braver. I wondered up here last earlier this week and I watched black torpedo’s shooting past me upstream as they were spooked by my shadow. As usual I caught many at around the 6 inch mark and a few larger ones that were great to see.

Later, I took the kids to the park after I got home and met the renowned all round angler Vinnie – many a time have I met him zipping along the canal on his bike checking out his pike spots and I have seen him at the odd Kelvin AGM as well. Over the years we have got to know each other and we always stop for a chat.It was especially nice meeting him as I spotted him on the Loch Lomond Angling Improvement Association site the other day with his first salmon from the Leven. We also had a chat about Pike fishing (which he is a master of) and the size of trout that I sometimes catch and love – Vinnie gets it, he understands that the size of the fish just does not matter as they are so beautiful.

The trout from this wee burn are stunning, in my head I keep thinking about the trout upstream of where I am – most of it is shaded by overhanging trees and big bushes however what I can see looks great – long riffles and runs. I know people fish it as I have heard people talking about it however I do not know if it is just a “when I was a boy” type fished it.
Looking forward to my next session!
Nice to see you’re able to fish. Beautiful Brownies!
Just had a paddle in the Med with wee Cuckoo Wrasse nibbling my toes… Definitely missing the Kelly (ahem) tried my first salmon fly there last week (comma) we had nae joy and fear we don’t know what we’re doing. Glad we had a chance to get in amongst it though. see u doon there in a fortnight.
I will have you know there were at least two commas in that whole post. The cheek!
Enjoy your holiday 🙂
Nice looking fish and burn, is it local?. those broonies are bigger than the ones i get from the kelvin.
1st post on your site 10/10 a very good read.
Many thanks John, to be fair I think the Kelvin has been out of action for trout now for over a month which is pretty bad going. Aye, it is fairly local – just one of those wee burns that run off the hills !
I passed the kelvin this morning and although the water is still high, it’s looking good; the slower water is a slight tea colour with the faster water being much clearer. I’m going to give it a bash for a few hours.
How did you get on John?
hi there im a novice to fly fishing and was wondering what lines are best for the kelvin? also whats the chances of catching brownies at the strt of the season and also what kind/size of flies should i be using to increase my chances? would appreciate any tips at all thanks Jason….
Hiya – check these links out:
ever tried The rotten calder? I have messed about with it for many years,34 ! or so apparently water quality is now top notch, perhaps even salmon getting up as far as castle falls.
I have heard good things about it !
That wee burn doesnt happen to be (redacted) burn does it?, as i fished it many years ago as a boy and it was teaming with wee broonies!
Gonny give it a bash some day
never ever fished the dry fly there was always the wets!
It most certainly is Jason 🙂
Haha allister you sly fox i know that burn like the back of my hand!
Did you not get any funny looks of anyone?
Everyone used to laugh at me when the saw me with my fly rod cracking wee birn
brings back a lot of memories!
I was born an bred in (redacred) so it was right on my door step!
Oh and by the way you get the odd sea trout at the waterfall at the park gates!
P.s excuse the spelling lol
Not only funny looks but I also now know all the council workers 🙂
By the way I keep editing your posts as I do not believe in naming spots other than the Kelvin. 🙂
Really? Lol what is it you do for a living?
Point taken!, mums the word!
Social Worker 🙂
Ooft! Respect! Pal!
Im a social care worker (mental health/learning disabilities)