I managed a few hours on my highland river this evening. There was a lot of water coming down it and I actually had a thought I might spot a Salmon. Consequently I strung up my 7 weight with an Allys Shrimp and went for a yomp down some likely pools – needless to say I did not have a scooby what I was doing and soon became bored at the lack of action and then agitated by the number of slurps from trout I was walking past.
I yomped it back up to my car and got out my 4 weight, after a few casts I kinda wished I had my 5 weight SLT however soon my klink was being pounced upon by several trout in the faster water.
After a few trout I decided to head home as I currently have some house visitors that I abandoned.
Glad I went though.
Were these diseased as well?
Good job. That trout was waiting for you to bring out the smaller stick to catch him with. =)
Nah – this was on my highland river. The trout all over the Clyde system appear to be affected by the parasites.