The start of the season has not seen me fishing. In fact it has allowed me an opportunity to actually have the choice not to go fishing. Instead I have been looking at all my stuff and deciding that I need a few extras to keep me going. I met fishing buddy Alex down at the GAC and I mentioned that I wanted to get another pair of forceps, he told me that he had a several pairs and I thought to myself he is a wise man. There has been a few times that I have forgotten my forceps and it has been a right pain in the ass when it comes to getting a fly out of a trout. Usually I just turn around and go home as I would rather do that than kill a trout needlessly.

Same goes for snips, I keep mine on a lanyard (actually it is an old T in the Park lanyard) around my neck attached to my forceps so if I forget one I forget them both. So not only cannot I get flies out trout easily I also cannot tie knots properly without a pair of line snips. You can start to see why I just turn around and go home.
Bottom line is I bought some snips, forceps and a new fly box to keep me going.
The temp my friends is low, the forecast is for ultimate shite all week and I doubt a trout will even think about looking up at a dry fly.
How is that for an outlook?
In my latest intercultural exchange with the German peasants of my
syndicate I learned a new German saying which might apply to you:
Besser im Wald bei einer Wilden Sau als zuhause bei einer Bösen Frau
Very roughly translated it means “better at the Kelvin than at home… 🙂 “
Those clearview boxes seem to be all the rage, I managed to get 4 on Ebay for £11.00 (almost got them for £7.50, but some rotten sod came in at the last minute and placed a bid lol). Why don`t you invest in a pair of long point pliers, then maybe one day try and crush the barbs on one fly and give it a go (hopefully you might set a trend). Good luck with your forum, hope it works out ok.
Marcel.Might be better traslated as better in the woods with a wild Boar,as at home with a wild wife,but your translation has it’s appeal.Have a good season. 🙂