Their was a figure sitting beside the river however because of the gloom I could not quite make them out. It was a pat of this river that I had never fished before however I knew it was popular with walkers so reckoned it was someone having a rest. I said hello however the figure did not say hello back. As I got closer the hairs on the back of my neck started to rise as quite frankly the person did not look quite right and I started to get a feeling that I should get the hell away from their and let the weird person get on with whatever they were doing. However, Kelvinators are made of sterner stuff than being scared (I have faced masturbators in the bushes after all).

After finding the above monstrosity I managed to winkle out another trout before finally calling it a day.

Weirdly (as dusk sessions go) all my trout were caught just before proper dusk on both of this weeks evening sessions. The sun was still kinda on the water however shadows were starting to form.

All my trout were caught in two pools that could not have been more different. The first pool was long, depth of maybe a foot and a half and crystal clear. I could see the trout occasionally taking flies off the surface. I crept up on that trout on my hands and knees and was glad when my fly drifted right on target and a trout was in my net.

And another….

The trout were loving my messy klink..

The second pool was short deeper and with a faster flow, one of the trout was even blacker. It made me think of the true highland burn trout or even loch trout at spawning time.

Again the trout fought like tigers..

I was surprised at the good action due to the low water and the high temps. There was some additional water in the river however it could be doing with another foot. Even though I am just learning about this river I know I am just scraping the edge of its potential. I am still haunted by the many rising trout I spotted at the start of the season when I did not have a rod with me.
Next trip out will be a Rannoch Moor loch with the tube! If anyone fancies joining me send me a mail or leave a comment – evening session!
Hummm, the dark could almost pass for a brook trout.
Great stuff.