“So what you are telling me is that you have been catching huge numbers of stocked trout during what might be the best week of wild trout fishing we have had all year”? said Alex, after I had told him about a wee local club that I have joined that stock a couple of reservoirs with excellent brownies. I had visited the wee reservoir last week and had an absolute ball catching what I reckon the best conditioned trout I have ever seen. They should be as they are fed over winter and they look it and fight like it to. I do not think my 7 weight has ever bent so much. It was such good fun that I went back the next evening to see if it was a fluke. It wasn’t, I lost count at a dozen!
“Do you not feel dirty?” Possibly a wee bit so as I had a spare couple of hours I headed down to the salt to catch some Sea Trout. I wished I had taken my fly rod as it was perfect for it. After an hour I had a couple of Sea Trout in my hand..

I kept on casting…
I then caught what I thought was a monster but turned out to be a Mackerel, a good sized one. I then caught a few more and decided to slaughter a couple to not only practice my filleting but also to have for my dinner.

I am missing the Kelvin and note that Jim Burns had a ball the other night – go check out the River Kelvin Fishers page.
I think I need some Kelvin action – urgently!
I’ve been tormenting myself with threats of fishing the kelvin been two weeks since my last fix , also get to see if I fixed the hole in my wafer, things all been well me and my wee lad will be out on Saturday, don’t worry alistair il post a few pics for ya to salivate over ;-p
Get yourself a hot smoker for the mackerel. I can show you how to cure & smoke them, it’s easy. Good to see you catching some wild fish!