Someone mentioned on a forum that I visit about the new advert for Sainsbury’s supermarket with Jamie Oliver. For those unaware who he is, Mr Oliver is a cheeky cockney celebrity chef. In the advert he is going on about how good the salmon taste and all that jazz. He is also pushing the whole Scottish scene. :/What he fails to mention is that the fish swim about in their own excrement and are treated like battery farm chickens (badly). There are around 50,000 in a single cage. It contributes greatly to the spread of infectious diseases and parasitic infestation. They often escape and spread their disease to wild fish. The cages themselves are like open sewers allowing chemicals and waste go into clean water…..ruining the environment.
This info is taken direct from the Salmon farm monitor website
Wild salmon get their red pigment from eating a natural diet. Farm salmon are fed an artificial diet containing synthetic chemical colorants, such as Canthaxanthin and Astaxanthin, manufactured by the Swiss Pharmaceutical firm Hoffman La Roche. Farmers use a colour-code chart, a “SalmoFan”, similar to the colour charts we use to select paint, to choose a flesh colour for their fish.
But who is going to buy salmon like that unless you get a “respected” chef like Jamie Oliver to say its ok… to go on about the taste and 100% natural salmon.
A good, and by good I mean essential viewing is Paul Nicklen’s superb flash presentation on Atlantic salmon…it can be found Here
over at the national geographic website!!