It is April and that means that everything is now waking up – the birds are in the trees (I can now hear the woodpeckers) and I spotted my first olive on my wee burn yesterday. A fallen tree branch is across the main pool however this is literally a 25min fish – I may…
Blog Shout Outs!
Blogs I read: Bure Boy Blog Becks and Brown Trout Diary of a Riverkeeper on the River Test, Hampshire
Different Days
I managed to sneak away from work an hour early on Friday and was soon at the salt for the correct state of the tide. The wind was blowing hard on this side of the peninsula and the waves were fair crashing across the wee ledge I was standing on. It was fairly tough going…
Speculative casts
There is a bay that I know which I sometimes drive past. I decided that this might be a good place to go for a speculative cast. I took a note of the what state the tide was at and was there sharpish after getting a pass from the wife. There was a line of…
Out and about!
The plan was to use some of my new flies down in the salt for Sea Trout. This is mainly because due to the current restrictions I am unable to get to any actual rivers to cast a fly. As much as there are many advantages of being equidistant to so many rivers I am…
March 15th fast approaching!
I used to take the day off on March the 15th to get out and do some trout fishing after the long winter. Then I realised that there was not much point as the “real” action actually started at the start of April – the first two weeks of the brown trout season was just…
Even more zooming fly fishing – this time it is fly tying !
Everything is on the Zoom these days – I have a weekly zoom quizz with the extended family as none of us can meet in person (like everyone else). I am part of Scouts and we are planning online meetings. I had a meeting not that long ago with the Kelvin committee which was online…
Zooming Fly Fishing
Anyway, so i was sitting on my sofa on Thursay night minding my own business watching a bit of telly when my mobile telephone rang – “Alberto Laidlaw” it said on the screen. Alberto is about the closest I get to angling legends apart from Paul Young and Kenny Sichi. Here he is wearing a…
Another casualty of the 2020 season
I spent the winter of 2019 and early months of 2020 looking at maps and fancied a river that appears widely overlooked. I bought my ticket for it when I could – they obviously would not sell me a ticket while the 5 mile limit was in place. I spent a good portion of my…
It’s all kicking off on the twitter with the Glasgow Angling Centre
It must be difficult for the Glasgow Angling Centre right now trying to choose a fish of the week as folks angling has been curtailed in a major way. You can tell this because after a recent choice of a well squeezed grayling was chosen legendary fisher,writer and fly tyer Matt Eastham called them out…