We have now entered the longest spell of hot weather since 2006 and by heck the rivers (and fishing) show it. This weather is only good for one thing. The level of the Kelvin has dropped significantly and even in the last week the Allander dropped even further to a proper trickle. The Salmon boys…
Been fishing…
Caught some fish too! Heading out to the Clyde in an hour or so, will update later! See ya!
Mid Season Review
It is doing ok. It could be better; a lot better however it could be a lot worse like last summer when it was just totally shite. What we need right now is some rain to liven thing sup a bit, not the torrential months lasting kind more the couple of days “just enough to…
Summer Fly Stocktaking
I spent the evening tying flies. Actually that was a bit of a fib, I spent a couple of hours stocktaking my fly box and then amalgamated good flies from other boxes into the one I carry the most. This involved taking some old favorites like my Scruffy Kelvin Olive and some miscellaneous paraloops and…