I recieved a rather nice mail from a guy today. We had been mailing each other for a while. He usually fishes up at towards Kirkintilloch and was finding it rather difficult. Anyway, this is part of the mail….. …….just thought i’d let you know about my fishing exploits today. i managed to get a…
Fish wanting sex!!
Up early feeling like shite.Freezing cold morning, and the water was very brown and dark. Was up possibly around half a foot.There was no fish rising at all at that little run where I have been getting fish on the dry fly so I moved to the area with the reeds…. I trundled a little…
Pouring with rain
Doubt I will manage down to the river today. It was my first day at placement for Uni and I’m cream crackered. Its pouring with rain outside , so even if the river is ok just now by tomorrow it will have risen a fair wee bit. May be good for the Worm actually as…
Nice Mushrooms
Well, turned out a mighty fine day. There was a slight colour to the water but I decided to have a go with a dry fly at the place I had so much luck last time.Anyway I don’t know whether it is my imagination but the fish I am catching on the dry seem to…
weather I defy you
Morning 7.10am Who do you trust when it comes to the weather?The BBc say it will be nice and the telly says orrible……….bah im not lugging around my rain jacket again…..im taking my chances. AND putting all my towels out to dry.. Mwa Ha Ha Ha WEATHER I DEFY YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!
weather has been bad
Humph, no fishing the last couple of days, the weather has been bad. I was going to go today but I had the feeling that the river would be too high. Anyway, I took delivery of some rather nice dry flies today from a company called Flying Hooks whom I cant recommend highly enough. I’ve…
phew, I wonder I really do
You know, I wonder sometimes whether people i meet are actually fishing the same River as i do. I ran into a bloke today , he asked me how many fish i had caught. I said i had caught a few and the biggest was just shy of half a pound …….he said nothing of…
new bag
I want a new bag as University has stated back in full swing. Its a pain to transfer all my stuff from my trusty old rucksack …..My fishing gear and then my uni stuff. Plus my uni stuff now smells of fish.Instead what I want is one of these rather snazzy William Joseph bags…….They are…
First bash at the dry fly
SUCCESS AT LAST I was starting to get a little paranoid for a while there, perhaps the curse of the blog or something as I was not catching any fish. WELL today certainly made up for all that …..I caught over ten lovely trout all on a dry fly. To be honest I don’t fish…