Well, Its only one week left until the end of the season…the trout season that is. Im trying to decide whether I should move my efforts to sea trout and salmon..only the next month will say i suppose. Ive got some ideas for the web site, i was thinking of changing the colour scheme and…
Gibson Street
Great, managed to give that Gibson Street stretch a go today. It was pouring down with rain and i didnt manage to get some pictures …..well any good pictures anyway. I started a good bit behind this …. and this is looking upstream To be honest, i pretty much know that within the first hour…
Grrrrr raining
I might have known, as soon as i made my last post it started to rain…….Ill check the agency site again in the morning but im not holding out much luck…..the only good thing is that ,,,,,lovely Claire is off and i will be able to talk her into giving me a lift.. INSERT EVIL…
Gibson Street
Well, I went down to that stretch at Gibson Street again……here is a photo of the bridge… Now this is where I was told there was some good fishing…….I walked up the river a little…. Now is it just me or does that little run just look simply lovely. Anyway, I was getting quite exited…
Gibson Street again
I stopped off at the bridge on Gibson Street yesterday , as the guy that I had spoke to the other night had said that there was a few good fish sitting underneath it. I can imagine there is. It is a lovely looking piece of water , deep with an amazing glide. Pretty inaccessible…
Angling Shops
I loathe going into angling shops. Whenever I can I buy my stuff online although today I went into the “Glasgow angling centre”. It was horrible, like a fishing stuff tesco. The people behind the counter are not very friendly and when I tried to start a conversation the guy just looked at me. Possibly…
Clyde Style Flies
Aye anyway,The guy that I was speaking to earlier recomended those “Clyde Style Flies” i will need to pick some of them up at some point, possibly for next season ….Met some youngsters around 12 who did not have permits but were fishing the fly and seemed keen. I gave them a few flies and…
How many fish?
How many fish have i caught this season?I was asked this today by another angler that stopped to chat. To be honest i was totally stumped. He pretty much knew that he had caught around 60. Looking back through this blog is a bad idea as i started making the site and doing the blog…
Lovely Ladeez
Incidentally, i was browsing that site the Smoky mountain on the fly site and found this…. Jeepers……now i know i have a lovely partner………….BUT how come i never see lovely ladies like that down the river…..BAH