Hummingbird SmartCast RF20 Rod Mount I would love one of these little things, not for actually fishing, but just for the novelty aspect. There is a little lochan not far from me that is damn near impossible to fish. this little thingus would come in quite handy 🙂 Im only half serious by the way.
GREYS – Game Fishing – Fly Reels
GREYS – Game Fishing – Fly Reels If you look at that reel at the bottom, thats my reel. What I think I would like is the one on top of that as it takes a 4 weight line, which s really all i use anyway. Ive always found the reel a little heavy myself,…
Orbital at T in the Park – their last Scottish show
Orbital at T in the Park – their last Scottish show Nothing to do with the Kelvin, but one of my all time favourite bands are playing their last ever gig at T in The Park this year.
It seems everything is against me going fishing at the moment. NOW ive got to decorate the bedroom. There was a chance i was going to have to strip woodchip from the walls but I managed to avoid that one….phew. Anyway, found my old Dragonfly concept reel and will put my fly line onto one…
Driving Home!!
Ive been away in Birmingham for a few days. Its funny I always think as I shoot along the M8 and then the M6 that I always gaze at the little bits of water that i glimpse through the trees. I dont drive just now, im learning, so i have plenty of time gazing at…
Damn……I need a new reel!!!
damn and blast!! It seems my reel is jiggy jiggered. The reel seems to be operating normally …kind of… feels really jaggy and seems to be sticking at certain points as I turn the handle…..or rather not kind of sticking…more getting really loose. Hmmmmmm! #ponders#
First fish caught!!
Well, today I ventured out for the first few hours with my new manly waders. Im not saying they are lucky or anything but I did in fact have an absolutley great day. The first caught was on a little partridge n orange and then I moved on to dry flies. I tied on on…
Its my big 30!
30 on Sunday. Weird. Feel ok about it……how does it go, terrible twenties-dirty thirties…ooer. I have a wishlist set up for familly…….if anyone fancies buying me a book on flies that would be lovely 🙂 You can see it HERE Just some books on fly tying n fishin! Most of the Uni work is finished……..
Away last year I thought i saw a shoal of Barbel in the Clyde….in the middle of town. Well it turns out that it was in fact Mullet! An angler with a bit of sense mailed me and corrected me. I have just spent around 10 mins looking for a picture of a mullet All…
One week of Uni left!!
Well….I have one week of Uni work proper left before I can start fishing everyday. I have a presentation and two essays and then I am home free. Its strange, The last month or so have been spent in preperation for the season I seem to have learnt a lot. Im looking forward to learning…