So I went to loch Awe on Sunday their, a cracking day on a lovely loch with good company and fantastic scenery (you can tell I didnt catch anything) I was in a boat with Alberto and Emanuele. Emanuele was a bit of a novice in a boat like myself but Alberto kept us right….
Sinus pain and Riverkeeper!!
Ow…OWW owwww…….oohh owww<
I dunno, I was posting on a forum that I visit and a thread came up about droppers. Basically I really only ever fish with one fly when fishing wet, when river fishing anyway……for that matter any fishing. I just dont think that it would make my catch rate increase any. Put it this way,…
“Get back to sleep its a damn hobby!!
Pssst!! Ive worked it out…if I say im going to go fishing tommorow then something will happen that will stop me….So once I had spent the day fixing my mates comp I then came home played some computer games and tied up some flies. Im getting quite into this cdc stuff as well as using…
A couple of books!
You may remember a while back i went for a wander and bought some fishing books. One of them was “To raise a Trout†by John Roberts, its a guide to the techniques and tactics of dry fly fishing for trout on rivers and streams. A great book, essential reading for someone starting out with…
AAaiiiiaaaaagh a hole in me waders!!!
AAGRH!!! My vision “EXTREMES” have a leak in the right stockingfoot….now i know that the kelvin is kinda rough….but TOO EXTREME FOR VISION????????? – Welcome ! – Welcome ! I got annoyed uploading photos into a folder and then hunting through them to link them to the blog so i have created a photo album to store them. It took me ages today to change all the links… APPRECIATE it!!!! I will allso be storing pictures of my Glasgow wanderings…
Its Low, dangerously low!!
Yesterday I decided to get the bus along to Partick and fish the West End stretch. The pools along through Kelvinbridge. My right foot was wet the second I put my foot in my waders, I knew that was a bad sign, My feet had been sweating yesterday as it was so hot and hadnt…
Bloody typical…….I get up early, go out fishing, its not happening, come home, potter about the flat and in the evening when i cant get out it starts getting nice. And what is the script with the weather reports on BBc and teletext anyway, one minute it says rain next minute not…….and then its wrong…