A couple of people asked me recently about what my partner thinks about my fishing all the time. I suppose the easy answer is that I dont fish all the time. The more complicated answer is that I fish when my partner is at work, she works shifts so I can head to the river…
Plain weird!!!
Thought I would share my logs with you….this is one of the last ten searches that people have done to reach the blog 18/10/2004 05:31:02 n@ked girls (Google) 18/10/2004 05:28:48 fly-fishing for Barbel (Google) 18/10/2004 01:51:0 n@ked girls (Google) 18/10/2004 01:21:21 n@ked fishing girls (Google) 17/10/2004 21:32:28 river kelvin fishing (Google) 17/10/2004 19:21:57 national geographic…
Vision waders!!
Some of my long term readers will know about my problems with my Vision “Extreme” waders. You were with me at the begining…when I was all exited about getting them ….you were with me when they arrived and they were exactly one size too big. You were with me when I caught my biggest trout…
Glasgow Fly Dressing Club
You may remember I went along to the West Of Scotlands Fly Tyers guild night to see Charles Jardine tie some flies. Well, the night has now stopped but restarted under the guise of Glasgow Fly Dressing Club It is a good excuse to talk about fishing and have an odd pint…….and I suppose to…
Friends of the River Kelvin!!
So someone from the Friends of the River Kelvin left a messege in my guest book. Friends of the River Kelvin – monthly clean-ups along various stretches of kelvin – first Saturday of month (except Jan) 10.30am (till 12.30pm …) all welcome. gloves, wellies, bags provided. Meet at FORK HQ: Ha’penny Bridge House, on the…
leader thingy
Well, now here is a thingus that might be interesting. That might mean that I could use a tapered leader without actually worrying about buggering it up……need to get a couple for next season I reckon. Worth trying anyway 🙂
To Rise a Trout!
I was asked the other day to recommend a good fly fishing book. I would recommend “To Rise a Trout”. It was in an old bookshop but I have found a copy on Amazon….To Rise a Trout Its is primarilly dedicated to fishing the dry fly. For those starting out or people who just want…
Atlantic Salmon Zoom In @ National Geographic Magazine
Atlantic Salmon Zoom In @ National Geographic Magazine I was looking through these photographs by Paul Nicklen. Lovely the way they have been shot. Gander through the photographs and you come to pictures of 40lb Salmon resting in a pool in Quebec’s Causapscal River.
changing colours..Site update
RIGHT!! Check out the updated site….. urban flyfishing I think the style flows over much better now….When you go to the flow section the garscube stretch opens in a new window, so does the blog for that matter! Just go and test it out for me 🙂 Oh yea…..if you look at the little rollover…