So Im trawling through University work just now. I have two major essays to do that have to be in within a few weeks and they are hard ones. Was sitting in class today when I began to think about the amount of time that I have got before I can actually cast a dry…
Essential Skills With Oliver Edwards
Here is another one of those Ollie Edwards DVDs. In this one he uses PTN on a chalk stream. I know a guy that used pheasant tail nymphs on the kelvin with great success. He is showing the technique on the Avon as well. I would love to fish their. Actually I think I will…
Top Tips 1#
Here we have a typical example of a situation you may find yourself in. … Some enterprising soul has managed to get a car into the river…..the council will have let it rust out for a good few months ,why bother moving it after all its only a trout stream …much more sense to spend…
Goodies from the postman!!
So I phoned Guide the other day to find out what was happening with my waders. They told me that they have sent them on to the actual makers to find out what went wrong and were going to send me a new pair. When i asked a timescale they informed me as I had…
Essential Skills With Oliver Edwards
Looks like a good DVD… can buy it from Amazon too. I have the one to do with Czech Nymphing……the guys class……..this one is to do with Mayfly time on a chalkstream….looks like well worth the cashdo!!!!
Gartnaval pond=Binghams Pond
You might remmember a couple of posts ago I spoke about the pond at Gartnaval…well I found out a little more info from here Bingham’s pond was built at Gartnavel in the early 1880s on the site of old brick and coal pits. Popular skating and boating activities were run by three generations of the…
New Fishing Camera!!
So after hunting around for ages I finally found an ideal little fishing camera. It is a Mustek gSm@rt D35. My last fishing camera was another Mustek which was actually pretty pants but served me well for a couple of years. I didnt hear too many people complaining anyway. A fishing camera has to have…
Gartnaval Pond
There is a large pond near to where I live next to a hospital. The pond was just a featureless concrete bowl that was half filled with stagnant water. The was swans in their as well……vicious ones at that..they would peck your lunch out your hands. There was a big sign up that said “DO…
The Small Stream Dry Fly
Ah, Christmas and the dark nights are closing in again and it is time for good books. Whilst I seem to spend my time reading textbooks when I go to bed I like to read and dream about fishing…..this looks like a doozerThe Small Stream Dry Fly Synopsis . In this book Lou Stevens presents…