I hear that the price of carbon is set to rise, due to a worldwide shortage. A lot of this is blamed on the massive amounts used by the space industry as well as a defense project. This means that all the carbon suppliers are going to be woud up with fulfilling the orders. Seemingly…
Last 20 search terms!!
Not done a what people search for to get here things for a while….. Last 20 Search Terms: record shark (Google) fishing camera (Google) oliver edwards (Google) Glasgow angling centre (Google) BBC accident Nov 2004 (Google) william joseph rain jacket (Google) pictures%20of%20trout (AOL) how to strip woodchip (Google) burbot caught in england (Yahoo) iron bru…
Tying Desk!!!
I was chatting to someone about where to tie up flies. I need somewhere with good light so I really should tie in the Kitchen. I usually end up doing it in the living room- taking up nearly half the room. I stay in a small flat and cannot wait until I have a house…
All Year I Say!!
I have not caught a trout all year. I think maybe tommorow or at some point this week I will take a wee walk down to the Kelvin and do a litte reconnaissance . Last year when I went down some pools had changed shape and some flows had been diverted because of the heavy…
New Year
There is something kinda symbolic about New Year for anglers. I mean Christmas is all about eating and presents n all that whereas new year is more of a starting point, a turning point. You have got through the worst of the waiting game for the next season and it is now a downhill coast….
Sri Lanka Devastation
I seen one of the hotels i stayed in on the telly the other day. It was getting washed away. Shocking the amount of people that have been killed. There is no real structure in Sri Lanka, I mean a lot of houses over there are like shacks and still live without electricity and running…
New Bathroom
So we are getting a new bathroom put in just now. When we had our new kitchen put in it took 6 months and involved flooding the guy downstairs around 6 times….the last time he came upstairs and said he was going to “come after” me if it happened again. It didnt, I shouted at…
Well that was Christmas then!!
Well thats that I suppose. I have eaten too much and quite possibly drank too much. On Christmas day I got one of these…a Robosapien To be honest I was a bit bemused…..I mean a Robot? Does the thing fish?? will it help me tie flies?? After I had destroyed the Christmas tree and chased…