I have upgarded my blog and now have a completlet different layout. It is in fact rather nice. I may keep it for a while, or chop and change. I dont know yet 🙂
Advice for the Love struck angler!
Should have posted this on valentines day but what the hell….. head over here and read it!
A book from ebay!
I bought a book off ebay a while ago. Its a book called Dances with Trout by John Gierach. Anyway, it had an inscription. It was stated in the auction so I was not bothered but the more I read it the more I wondered. It reads:: 10/18/94 Dear Dad, I hope we can find…
I used to have a handle on life, but it broke
coughing, sore throat, sore chest. Im ill. Off placement. I feel awful. Like really bad. Bloody awful in fact.
Ice Fishing
Wouldnt mind a shot at that ice fishing malarky. I have a friend over in Sweden who talks about it and says that it is most fun 🙂
Oh yea, people ask me why I dont like people bait fishing. Actually I dont mind people fishing bait. It is people fishing with a SET LINE that I do not like. I regulary talk to guys fishing bait down on the river, generally that use floats and maggots/worms.wasp grubs. Pretty skillful guys and do…
I am experimenting with the layout again. If anyone has any comments please let me know what you think! So far I like this layout although I think it needs a little more colour……maybe a picture or something. Some feedback would be nice 🙂 EDIT:: my new template totally buggered up the whole blog so…
Some people are alive only because it’s illegal to kill them
Hey, have a look at this Ohhhhhh the irony!
Not being one….
Not being one to blow my own trumpet but I got a mention in the Scotland on Sunday newspaper on………er Sunday! He was talking about Bob Wyatt……but mentioned the blog 🙂 You can view the scanned article here which was kindly sent to me by Tom over at A View From the Bridge
AGM Nonsense (God must love stupid people; He made so many)
So the AGM of the Kelvin was last night. I wonder sometimes, I really do. First of all we had the proposition to make the stretch at the vet school fly only. This I admit was mostly my idea. That part of the river is pretty much hammered not just by the odd guy but…