In case the UK readers have not noticed there is a general election coming up pretty soon. It throws up many questions about who to vote for. In the past I would probably have voted for the green party but after their pretty intense …and I can only call in anti angling manifesto I do…
Consciousness: That annoying time between naps.
At the moment I could honestly say that when I am sleeping it is the only time I am truly happy. I was kinda hoping to head down to another river in the morning but to be honest things do not look good with the rain pouring down. Bring back the Winter………… seemed more like…
New Guestbook entry!!
I recieved this messege in my guestbook so thought I would share it!! Nigel Simmonds Hi I lived in Glasgow from 2001 -2003 and had the most amazing capture in the Kelvin just below the yorkhill old mill fisheding at night 11pm (middle of the river wading)saw a salmon leap and hooked it river was…
Trout from Small Streams
Just what I need……..another fantastic looking book I want to buy but cannot afford! Synopsis Dave Hughes covers all aspects of fly-fishing for trout in small streams. He describes how fishing is different on mountain, freestone, and meadow streams and how to develop skills for each. He covers the gear, including what to put in…
Full of hope!!!
So woke up today full of hope. The sky was blue (it was forecast for rain) and there was no rain (it was forecast for rain). Got picked up by my fishing partner and we headed down to another river for a spot of early season dry fly action. We got there and usually it…
Countryside staff warned as big cat is sighted in Glasgow
Around 11 years ago I worked in a nursing home at the “top” of Clydebank…..Duntocher, just next to Faifley (sp). I used to get a bus from my flat to Duntocher and then a minibus would come down from the Nursing home and pick me up to take me and the rest of the staff…
First outing….first fish!!
So there I was out for a jog…I have a little route that takes me up along the canal and then cuts back along the Kelvin walkway………….dodged a new burnt out car on the pathway…..was agahst at another new burnt out car actaully in one of the pools in dawsholm park and then headed back…
Eyelash Creatures….
Found this interesting Creatures living in your eyes….swimming about…eating.UGH!!!!