So I went down the Kelvin the other day with someone I have been mailing for a while. It was one of those days that it just goes to show you can actually go fishing for a good few hours in bright sunshine and pretty grim conditions while catching no fish and still have a…
Tying Emergers: A Complete Guide
Another book, this time about tying emergers. Emerger patterens are pretty good as searching flies and i use klinkhammers pretty much all the time now!
I love it when a plan comes together!!
So I have spent the last two days moving into my new home. They say that moving is one of the most sressfull things that someone can do but I found it all fairly painless. The only cock up was my cable company not switching on my phnone line. I have spent the last hour…
Fly Fishing Tactics on Small Streams
I got this book for my birthday………….another little book about fishing smallish streams! Synopsis Small stream flyfishing is a rewarding but demanding sport that requires skill, an understanding of successful tactics, and knowledge of the quarry. This revised edition combines descriptions of tactics with diagrams. Topics covered include understanding the stream, tackle, and wet and…
Lovely, just lovely!!
So I went hillwalking at the weekend. Set out early and walked up Ben Lomond. Ben Lomond is the most southerly Munro and, at 3195ft towers over Loch Lomond We and it seemed like lots of people were all kitted out in walking gear and jumpers etc. All of us battling against the elements……it took…
New Fly Line Time!!
To be honest I am disapointed with my Snowbee XS floating line. It lasted all of half a season before the tip section started to sink like a stone… is very very annoying. And it is not just a small amount I am talking about here, it is like around a yard and a half…
Internet TV
So I was messing around with Winamp the other day when I noticed that it has a way to view internet tv. Winamp is a piece of software that you can use to stream music and listen to CDs for those of you that do not know, its a bit like media player only better…
Lovely fish!!
So as usuall on a Sunday I headed down to another river with a fishing buddy. The day was pretty miserable with showers on and off……generally rotton weather. Anyway, turned out to be one of the best days fishing in a loooooong time. We both had good fish but my friends fish was by far…
Tying Small Flies
Another book for your collections ….. Synopsis Features: Midge larvae and pupae, tiny parachutes, floating nymphs, micro scuds, tiny ants; Choosing the right hook, thread, wire, and amount of weight for small flies plus 75 patterns, including Brassie, RS-2, Renegade, Gold-Ribbed Hare’s Ear, Griffith’s Gnat; Foreword by John Gierach. Taking trout on lightweight rods with…