So after praying for rain for weeks it finally came, just as I and Alex arrived at the Kelvin. It was pissing it down and to make things even worse I had forgotton my lucky hat! We were doomed from the beginning. Alex even fell in but by this point it did not really make…
The Baton!
So General Ape passed me the baton which is “…a less-irritating-than-usual web log quiz meme all about music, but, somewhere along the way, it morphed into being all about books” Books Owned I have a lot of books; a lot of them are kept now in storage up in my new attic. They are a…
Another bad fishing Joke
Standing at the edge of loch Lomond, a man saw a woman flailing about in the deep water. Unable to swim, the man screamed for help. A trout fisherman ran up. The man said, “My wife is drowning and I can’t swim. Please save her. I’ll give you a hundred pounds.” The fisherman dove into…
I have won a competition….
So I managed to wangle an evening session yesterday on the Kelvin. I and another Kelvin fisher decided to head up the Kelvin valley closer to the West End. The trout were spooky and Alex had a new 4 weight that he wanted to christen. It was a nice evening and I managed to get…
Communication Difficulties!
I want to discuss with you communication difficulties. Now the other day I got SHE WHO MUSY BE OBEYED to give me a lift up to the Glasgow Angling Centre to get some of that sealant stuff for my waders. On the way I mentioned that it would mean that I would be fishing on…
AHA!! Fucking Boots…..I have you now!!!!!
I have located the reason and the actual hole in my waders. I studied the area very very closely and it turns out its my fucking boots. I noticed that the inner sole has slipped making some studs visable…when i ran my finger over them they were pretty raised and had been digging into my…
Bloody Typical!! a hole in ma waders!!
So today, I got my gear together for a bit of a walk upstream to where the Kelvin is deep and slow. As I was getting my stuff together I was standing at the bridge in the Vet School under the main road….I heard a voice shout out YOUR SHITE AT FISHIN I looked around,…
FlySim Fly Fishing Game
FlySim Fly Fishing Game So I downloaded the fly sim game. Looks ok although my casting is absolutely terrible in it (no changes there then) Caught a brook trout at 1.5lb woohoo….wish it was a real one though :/
Bad Fishing Joke!
The Fishing Groom A man and his newlywed check into a mountain resort by a lake. The desk clerk notices the “Just Married” sign still on the car. As soon as the man gets the luggage out of the car, he hops in a boat to go fishing. He is out all day, comes back…