Aplogies to people who live places where the spiders actually try and kill you, unlike ours that sit about and make webs and eat flies but today I found three of these pretty impressive spiders in my house. Last night I caught one, in glass, took it out to my back garden and let it…
Carbon Shortage…a follow up!!
A while ago I posted about david norwich who had to increase th ecost of his rods due to a shortage of carbon fibre. Well as an update he now has a further messege on his website I REGRET THAT BECAUSE OF LIMITED PRODUCTION AND SUPPLY OF THE CUSTOM CARBON FIBRE PRE-PREG USED FOR MY…
Back in Action!!
So I went along to the Kelvin for a few hours today, its funny I don’t think I ever know how lucky I am having good trout fishing within a fifteen minute walk from my front door. Anyway, I walked up to Dawsholm Park which I see now has a “Friends of Dawsholm Park†sign…
Just one of those nights!!!
I realised almost instantly that I had made a wrong decision. Ordinarily it would not have mattered I would just give my better half a phone but this time it was different: I had lent her my mobile phone as she was going on a night out. I had arranged for my future mother in…
Raining!!! Caught at the last min…
It’s now pissing down with rain out there. It has been warm and overcast all day, I suppose threatening it really but I thought like yesterday it would not come to anything. I was supposed to be fishing the River Gryffe and was going to get the train but my better half decided to give…
Camping in the Lake District
So I went camping with my sister, brother in law and my better half to the Lake District. For some bizzare reason I did not throw a rod into the back of the car thinking that I would not be able to get any fishing done, how annoyed then was I when we camped here…
Fantastic Small Stream Action! + some pretty good news!!
So I went along to one of the Kelvin tributaries for a little evening session, after that heavy rain it was up around a foot and a little dirty. There was fish rising so I knew it was worth a bash.. I was using my little Tea Stick rod which is absolutley perfect for this…
Awright Muckers!!
Not being one to slag off anothers fishing atire I noticed this picture on a forum that I visit.. The DAZ clean shell suit, the matching cap, a cigarette at jaunty angle and the rainbow held like an OUZI…….Bring back the days of tweed jacket and tie…..ach maybe Burberry would be the new tweed.
I am GAGGING to go fishing!
Thats a weird expression isnt it, gagging to go fishing? Yes it is!! Anyway, it has now been raining pretty hard for a couple of days and the Kelvin is unfishable. There is a possibility that one of the tributories will be fishable as long as their is no more rain but I suppose it…
Fishing the Leven
In a smilar vein to my Urban Fly Fishing on the Kelvin site we have a website entitled “Fishing the Leven”. Some nice images of the River Leven, for my American readers the Leven is a river that runs out of Loch Lomond into the Clyde. The Kelvin also runs into the Clyde but is…