Another day another few fish. It was windy and I am now getting much success with small green CDC flies. There is without question less fish around after the fish kill (duh!!!), you can really feel it when you go down. Usually I would be catching several nice troots but now I am struggling to…
The newsletter and a cut short session due to working!!
Members will be receiving the usual newsletter from the Association over the next few days. At the last committee meeting we spent a while stuffing them into envelopes and putting little address stickers on them. Its funny but as I was sticking on the stickers I recognised a fair few names, and oddly there were…
A letter in my inbox!
Well, it is nice that people are taking the time to use my little contact form. I had this little mail in my drawer (among others) when I arrived home from work today. peter wrote: Tried to post this on your guestbook but unable to.Just a word of warning to anglers fishing the Glasgow Golf…
A Cracking Hour and a Half Fly Fishing!!
So I had a very short session today down at one of the tributaries. I had to wait in for a phone call about a job so did not have much time. It was cold, so cold that I could see my breath. After I had caught my first trout…. … hands were pretty cold…
Poachers nabbed!!
So there was a crowd of poachers at the Junction pool of the Allander and the Kelvin. They were using nets seemingly to catch fish. A joint effort between two police forces nabbed them after a nearby resident raised the alarm when one of them attacked a young boy and beat him up. Its good…
Contact me!!
I have added a little “contact me” widget in the pages section on the right hand side. Feel free to drop me a line if you have not already and we can talk fish!
Cash up for grabs!
There was a post on a forum I frequent from an organisation called Anglers Voice. There are giving away money:: Dear All, If I asked you to nominate a deserving cause for a £50 cheque/voucher, who would you nominate?. Are you personally organising clean-ups on a river? Are you donating time to help our Rivers…
Dead Salmon on the Kelvin- an explanation?
So it appears that the dead salmon on the Kelvin was not just the result of the heat. There has been two fish deaths, the heat and a disease. At the moment there are large amounts of dead Salmon in the Clyde and no one really knows what to do about them. The thinking is… !!!!!!!!!STONEFLY FISH BAG, RIVER FISHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (item 7179744682 end time 09-Sep-05 19:13:56 BST) !!!!!!!!!STONEFLY FISH BAG, RIVER FISHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (item 7179744682 end time 09-Sep-05 19:13:56 BST) I suppose it could be used for storing your potatos as well 😉