You have got to hand it to this guy. Whilst working and fighting in Iraq fly fishing would not be in the forefront of most peoples minds, but hey… he packed a fly rod and it just so happened Saddam Hussein’s former palaces have lakes packed with fish so what are you going to do?…
Getting the willies whilst fishing!
So I decided to do a spot of loch fishing as The Kelvin and its tributaries are completely out of action. I took a walk (a hike?) up into the Old Kilpatrick hills where there is a loch not owned by any club but has some small trout in it. There was a small burn…
Fly Fishing Retailers Trade Show | Outside Online
Fly Fishing Retailers Trade Show | Outside Online I do believe Tea Stick Rods were there as well!
Fishing Fly Stuck in Eye
Fishing Fly Stuck in Eye I am pretty sure most people have seen this link by now, a reason why people shoudl ensure they wear some kind of eye protection. The fly looks like a Pheasant Tail Nymph, which reminds me that I should rie up some for next season!
Glasgow Fly Tying Evening
The Fly Tying night is starting up again…the venue is:: the Yarrow Club at 223 Anniesland Road, Glasgow G13 1RP. The night will be a Wednesday and it starts on the 5th October at 6.30pm. I will be there, unless it stops raining, in which case I will be fishing….and then wander in late!
You CAN have too much of a good thing!!
Rain… Rain…. and even more pissing rain… Just goes to show that you can in fact get too much of a good thing. The river is like hot chocolate (although cold) and looks to stay like that untill the brown trout season ends. If we have two days respite one of the tributories may be…
Not long now!
A couple of weeks left trout fishing, the weather has grown cold and I will be starting a new job shortly as well. I would like to say that I will be fishing every day until the season closes but I doubt it as wedding plans are being made (and seemingly I have to do…
The Salmon Farm Protest Group
Press Release PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE USE – 23rd SEPTEMBR 2005 Bogus report from Scottish Environment Protection Agency More than 300,000 diseased salmon from Marine Harvest Limited fish farms in the Western Isles have been buried in the machair (gobally important shell-sand dunes and fields) at Kyles-paible near Bayhead on the Island of North Uist….
I am now ill
Or rather I have been for the last few days. It started with a sore throat and has gradually progressed to full on feeling lousy. No fishing being done, but plenty of watching Star Wars!
A Perfect Storm (to fish in)
So last week one of the Kelvin fishers (Alex) asked me if I wanted to go and do a bit of Stockie bashing. Seeing as how it must be done a couple of times a season? (At least that is what I have decided on now) I agreed and the day was set for yesterday…