Field & Stream – Adventure: Flyfishing Gone Mad Shark on the Fly anyone ?
Must hold on !
It is almost time, we are half way through. The 21st was the Winter solstice, the days are growing longer and the nights are growing shorter. We shall all soon be on the river once more !
Guestbook fixed
Someone mailed me a while ago as my guestbook was not working. A quick chat with web host I-web solutions quickly sorted it out. If you have not already head over and sign it.
Trout Grass
When I got back from my honeymoon sitting on my doormat was a rather nice surprise, a DVD entitled Trout Grass. Written and narrated by David James Duncan. Featuring Glen Brackett, Hoagy Carmichael and Thomas McGuane. Shot on location in Southern China and Montana, Trout Grass documents the transformation of bamboo into a split-cane fly…
My Wedding Cake !
You might remmember when i was in the bad books about moaning about my wedding cake. To get my moneys worth here is a picture of it…. My wedding cake 🙂 Obviously without the writing !
CollapsAbel Rod
CollapsAbel Rod A collapsable fly rod? comments ?
Fly Fishing/Trout Desktop Backgrounds
Hiya, back from honeymoon. Thought I would give you all some desktop backgrounds as presents 🙂 Just click on the pictures untill you get to the largest size….right click and then save image or set as desktop background. If you need help just mail me or leave a messege! Artflies Gift!! Artflies Gift!! 24 Realistic Assorted Flies Fly Fishing (item 7197364848 end time 25-Nov-05 21:35:55 GMT) Am no way affiliated, just thought this was interesting !
Trouts and Seasons of The Mountain Village – Paper Craft 1
Trouts and Seasons of The Mountain Village – Paper Craft 1 Looks Like Fun !!!
I get married on Saturday !
So I am getting married on Saturday. Who would have thought the whole thing would come around so quick. My kilt is picked, my speech is partially written, the presents are flooding through (I am amazed at how generous people are) and I am leaving for Paris on Sunday. With a bit of luck there…