Concern grows for stranded whale Rescuers are growing increasingly concerned for the safety of a seven-tonne whale, stranded in the River Thames in central London. Riverside crowds gathered throughout the day to watch the 16-18ft (5m) northern bottle-nosed whale swim as far upstream as Albert Bridge by Chelsea. Hope it makes it out alive!
Kelvin AGM 26th January
OK OK…its the 26th January in Partick Burgh Halls……sorry sorry !! Oh and by the way the lack of posts are too do with my computer being jiggered.
Kelvin AGM
So I went into the Glasgow Angling Centre today with a friend too pick up some fly tying gear and look at the wading boots. I have decided that seeing as how my last pair decided to kill my stocking foots I would not risk it this season. Anyway, the Kelvin AGM is in a…
Fly Tying at home !
So seeing as how the old diet started yesterday I thought that today I would start my other New Year resolution and get my fly tying gear out. I set up my rather nifty mag lamp and tied up a few Knlinkhammers and some CDC Blue Winged Olives. Needless to say I am out of…
The Complete Fisher. The Klinkhammer
The Complete Fisher – 2nd time. The Klinkhammer A pretty fine walkthrough on how to tie Klinkhammers ! One of my new year resolutions is to tie many more flies. Oh, later I shall show you some of the rather nice crimbo presents I recieved that will make rting flies a little easier 🙂 – Easy Fishing – Easy Fishing I have heard of people getting a boat full of fish but this is plain silly 🙂
Boxing day Pike, or not!
So it was at around 10pm on Christmas night when I got a text message from an enthusiastic fisher Charlie. – Want to go fishing tomorrow? I replied – Why the hell not! I had read something somewhere about going Pike fishing on Boxing Day being traditional so we decided to go to the local…