Gizoogle – Transizlatin’ Page –
Purists- thats what we are!
So BBC weather said it was going to be sleeting today, ha that is a laugh: considering as how my first trip of the season was cancelled because of this. At around 1430 today it was actually quite warm with a little sun on the water. I could certainly imagine large dark olives hatching in…
Bob Wyatt- Trout Hunting
I am going to be good to Bob Wyatt and plug his book. I am sure I did so in the past but as these plugs go around in full circle as new readers get picked up I felt it was worth it again. For my American readers this is one of those books you…
S1gn my guestb00k !
So I finally had to close my guestbook and start again. The type of guestbook I used was getting hit with a couple of hundred spam entries a week, this was making me annoyed. Unfortunately I have now lost all the entries that were real. In fact at the last count I had well over…
Aye, so no fishing this weekend. It is like a fine wine I am saving in anticipation of something good. Which is probably why I do not want to go out too soon and blank utterly and freeze my rocks off? Anyway, went for a wee trip down to Birmingham and then to Bath for…
In Birmingham!
Spending a few days down here in Birmingham…..and what do you know- Spring has given this kneck of the woods a bypass as well. Good show- cheers me up no end! Ta Ta
YouTube – A brown dog runs through it
A pretty good video on how to catch a dog on stillwaters…I am not usually one for watching videos on how to tie patterns but this one is prett good. YouTube – A brown dog runs through it
ThE CrEeP- coming soon to a river near you!!!
So I suppose I had better post about fishing again soon. It has been a long winter so thanks to people who stick around in the close season. Come open season my visitors always jump up as they know I will start fishing again soon- or at least that thing I call fly fishing- I…
A Walk in the Snow!
Will I be fishing on opening day? Well considering Claire and I went for a walk along the banks of the Kelvin and we took a Sled I can with good confidence say no. Most enjoyable though, never seen the Kelvin in snow before! And here is where I will most probably cast my first…