So I was controlling today for the Scottish rivers championship on the River Tummel. A controller is essentially someone that tags along with the angler making sure that they start and stop when required, are fishing with the correct hook size and measure all fish caught. I also got to carry the spare rod. In…
Translate the blog
Looking through my stats I noticed I was getting a lot of visitors from pretty far a field. Because of this I have added a little translation thingy down on the right hand side. Hopefully it will be in your language. If it doesn’t get used I will take it off. Obviously it will not…
Do you ever get days like this?
I want to know how on Monday I managed to blank in such spectacular style. Not on the Kelvin this time but at my other special little place. Last week I at least hooked trout albeit they managed to get away, I had deceived the trout into taking my fly. That was satisfying, even though…
Interesting weekend
So what a weekend! Saturday I went to the other river that I sometimes fish, the same place that I went last eek with Mike and it happened again. What happened again? Well I lost another big trout, however this trout was by far the biggest trout I have ever hooked. It was across the…
Coarse fish on the Fly
I have had a devasting weekend with big fish lost. I have been telling all and sundry that will listen. Be prepared for a mammoth groaning session wher I tell you blow by blow how I lost the biggest trout on the dry fly……with the bent kamasan B100 to prove it ! Meanwhile- here is…
How accurate are the weather forecasts?
I am planning to go fishing on Saturday. My pal Emmanuelle stated that the weather was going to be crap according to the BBC and that we should maybe think about fishing somewhere a little closer to home. This made me scout around for other weather forecasts and I am surprised at how different they…
Warming up a little- trout rising
So today was not bad, a couple of nice trout for my efforts. The Kelvin was at a good height and the colour was fine. I got to the river at around 1230 when it was still a little cool. It started to heat up at around 2pm and this sparked a pretty big hatch…
Lots of flies- however trout not looking up yet !
So, on Saturday I and Mike headed down to another river that we fish. It was a strange day all round. There were large amounts of Large Dark Olives on the water but very few trout were actually rising. In fact if the truth be told I only saw a few trout rising the whole…
In ten days time it is my birthday !
In ten days time it is my birthday and I am considering getting a new rod for the larger rivers that I fish. A rod to replace my 8.5foot 4/5 weight. I am thinking of getting a true 5 weight 9 foot. My sister is heading over to the states so i think I will…
I fish because I love to…
It is soon to be Easter, not that I am “into” easter apart from chocolate and a long weekend. I hope this weather clears up. My fishing pal Emannuelle sent me this rather nice quote by – Robert Traver, 1964 (Judge John Voelker, 1903-1993) I fish because I love to; because I love the environs…