So last night I got the vice out and tied some flies.
At last.
I am one of those people who do actually need to have a purpose to tie flies so the fact that I needed some comparaduns to imitate olives was good enough reason to get the bad boy out and get tying. However forget about seeing any pictures of them as I totally forgot.
Instead have a report.
I managed an hour or so after work today, it was touch and go however seeing as how I had some outstanding child care in the shape of my Mother n’ Law I was able to squeeze it in. When I got to the river I thought I was totally wasting my time however by the time I walked along the stretch a hundred yards I spotted a trout popping up from the depths to start taking one of the many olives that were drifting slowly down. It was around 7 degrees.
There is nothing nicer when fishing than seeing a confident riser.

It fought like a beast and put a bend in my four weight.
I walked/scrambled up the river until I came to what looks like a new bothy that someone has built.

I kept on walking up the bank until I got as far as I could without getting into the water until I had too. I waded out into the river as I spotted some risers in the pool in front of me. It was like walking on ice, a combination of ledges with old weed and felt soles made every step dangerous. I took baby steps until I got around half way cross. It was at this point I started to slide, I was going down into the water and totally shit myself. Out loud I said “Oh fuuuuuuu..” before stopping a few inches lower than I started after travelling/sliding around a foot and a half. I must have looked like some kind of crazy skier sliding into the water.
I mean it was not that deep, maybe up to my wait however it was deep enough to give me a proper dunking. I stayed on the ledge and started to inch my way back, I knew as long as I could follow a sandy bar I should be alright – it started to rain.
Obviously no dunking occurred and I walked down the riverbank.
I spotted another riser behind some fallen trees however I judged that it was just not worth it.

Oh, and it was still raining. It did not stop me from catching another trout though.

As you can see the water is a bit of a funny color, it is probably snow melt causing it to be that milky way rather than something else more sinister. It was strange today, it was back to not really feel like Spring, it felt more like Autumn fishing apart from the new keen spring trout. On the way back to the car I met a gent who fishes the Leven regularly for Salmon and we had an interesting conversation.
From here on in the temps are set to rise reaching some giddy double digits by Sunday.
Bring it on!
Nice trout. In good condition too, all things considered. Whoever built that ‘shelter’ should stick to their day job!
It was a bit of a death trap!