So last weekend Alex, Mike and I headed up North for a little camping adventure.
Alex and I travelled by train through to Edinburgh where we met Mike and then shot up to the River Tummel for the first leg of the adventure. When we arrived at the Tummel an angler came up to us and told us to make way for guys fishing Salmon, he then proceeded to boast that he had caught a 1.5lb trout on his salmon spinner and decided to leave it on the bank for some of “you trout boys” Needless to say it was eaten by an otter. He seemed quite proud of this and we watched as he skillfully cast out his giant flashy lure seeking for a salmon, I vowed to keep out of his way although not for the reasons he thought.
We had a pretty good day on the river, we each caught a few trout, this is a picture of me looking like a gigantic bug (my other glasses make me look sexy, these make me look like a giant bee).
Conditions were pretty good and by the end of the day we were all ready to tackle 3.5lb wild brown trout on the Don. Towards the end of the day there were plenty of trout rising but we could not work out what they were rising to. Mike took this trout on the old faithfull a Dirty Duster..
We got kinda worried on the way up as it started to rain, and I mean real mans rain, pouring out the sky like someone pouring water out of a bucket. Good news though as when we got to Aberdeen it had not been raining. We went to be dreaming of stalking giant trout on the dry fly. In fact when Mike spoke of tactics it was all stalking with creeping up on giant lazy trout sipping down up winged flies. Half a bottle of single malt whiskey helped those thoughts along rather nicely if the truth be told.
Little did we know that the entire Don would offer up after a day of coldness (not to mention a sore head) was a scabby 6oz trout, and this was after trying small cdc F flies, parachutes, wet flies and finally Mike tried a woolly bugger fished down stream. We couldn’t believe we did not actually just fluke a trout. Well, we did in fact catch a lot of par…
At one point we came across a phone box which thinking back we all got overly exited about and happilly snapped pictures of it….
So then it was the mighty Tay on the Sunday, another cold day. It was a cold morning and Alex did not want to hatch from his nymph like sleeping bag, kind reminded me of the Don actually
When we arrived there was a really nice hatch going down but as I was so exited I somehow managed to mess everything up. Alex managed a few nice trout though. I almost blanked if it was not for a flukey nice brownie at almost home time that then decided to do a Long Distance Release, by this point I was not too bothered about catching fish. To be honest I think we were all just enjoying the fact that we were outside and not cooped up in some air conditioned building..
All in all a rather superb few days away, it just goes to show that you don’t actually have to catch lots of trout to have a great fishing trip. On our way back home Alex made a suggestion for a fly with a rather unusual ingredient. It makes pretty good sense and once I have harvested the necessary ingredient from a friend of a friend I shall post the results here.
So the question is: who’s the sexiest in that phonebox pic? It’s a tough one, given the overall high level of sexiness…
I dunno Mike, that cowboy hat gives you extra points
it really looks like a big brokeback mountain extravaganza……..:)
…I am just envious of your great fishy week end..
Crackin pics! Glad you all had a good time Alistair!
Thanks gareth, although to be fair the better photos were Mikes, he is much braver than I and actually carries an expensive camera rather than my little waterproof 2mp one
Great picture of “The Don.” Is that spring creek with a lot of underwater vegetation? Looks like that would be a bunch of fun during a hatch…
Thanks for sharing…
We read the returns book for the week before we arrived, massive hatches of flies, big trout getting caught, we just seem to miss out that day, still it was good fun
Here is a little info:
“The Don is a river situated in the north east of Scotland flowing from Cockbridge downstream to Aberdeen. The Don rises from its source in the Ladder Hills, between Glen Avon and Cockbridge. It flows eastwards for 82 miles meandering through Strathdon, Kildrummy, then flowing through the lush agricultural landscape of the Howe of Alford, Kemnay and Inverurie, before passing through the flood plains of Kintore and Fintray”
Taken from:
After seeing the creekside phone booth I couldn’t help but think that you were very brave what with all the Daleks that must have been running about the area. I posted my vague Dr. Who ref on my blog before I realized that even knowing this must make me into one big fly fishing geek.
Great pics.
And we are already planning our next trip