I used to take the day off on March the 15th to get out and do some trout fishing after the long winter. Then I realised that there was not much point as the “real” action actually started at the start of April – the first two weeks of the brown trout season was just a tease – yea, you could go fishing however unless you are dragging the bottom or have a streamer you are kidding yourself on.
Then thankfully we started having the opening ceremony on the Kelvin and that marked a start where you could kid on you were fishing but in reality you were in fact meeting up for a chat and then a dram.
Unfortunately this year, like last year, the opening ceremony has had to be cancelled due to the pandemic. The lucky folk that live within a few miles of the river will still be able to fish however for someone like myself who now lives a hop skip and a jump away I will not be able to get to the river for quite some time. Last year when I was allowed I managed to get down enough times to be happy however I was constrained like everyone else – plus, I am not one to bleat on about work however it was fairly tough going.

This year the major rule change on the Kelvin is the change of method at the infamous tidal stretch. Ordinarilly I would write about it here however Paul Reid is moaning to me about writing my words as Vice Chair for the newsletter so I will keep my uneducated trout fisher opinions for that.