You would be forgiven for thinking that I have not done much fishing over the last few weeks however the opposite is true. I have just not done any trout fishing – well, brown trout that is. I have mostly been out and about on the estuary chasing sea trout. I have been trying out new spots at various states of the tides and collating all my info for the future.
One of the benefits of working from home is being able to get out first thing and then be back in time for my first round of meetings at 0830. On three consecutive mornings last week I pulled myself out of bed at 0530 to pretty much terrible conditions – bright cold morning – not a cloud in the sky with temp just above freezing. I always had some action however nothing consistent. One of the mornings I got out of my car, walked down to the shore and cast – bang, first cast a nice plump sea trout and then nothing for the next two hours.

I walked along the banks of the Kelvin last weekend and did not spot any trout whatsoever.
Still another week or so until the trout turn on I reckon – happy to hear otherwise though!