Back in February 2007 I went to New York to celebrate my wife’s birthday and bought myself a Lamson LP2 reel to accompany a Sage SLT that I bought at the same time. Happy birthday wife I said to myself as I waggled it around in the hotel – this caused an entirely different issue which you can read about here.
Anyway, the Lamson was prefect with my 5 weight SLT and many a trout were caught over the years.

However, at the end of last season it started to grate – unsure if it was a tumble from the car issue a quick email to Lamson and they confirmed it could be sent to them for a repair. Pals scoffed that a new reel should be bought however after Parcel Force managed to send it on a detour to Barbados it ended up back at Lamson who then fixed and returned it – absolutely perfectly.
The other evening I decided two new fly lines for my two main reels of the season – a Rio Perfection for the Lamson and a Barrio Smallstreams for the Vosseler.

All I need to do now is actually tie some flies.
Lamson provides great customer service. Your reel is an LS2, not an LP2 (which was the Lamson brand model centerpiece in the mid and late 90’s)., two entirely different reels.
A slip of the finger – I do actually own an LP2 and still use it regularly!