I have a history with my pal Alex around having crazy days involving boats – Saturday was no different, due in part to the weather forecast which was was heavy rain for the whole day. It did not put us off though as we were heading back to Katrine in search of Pike and Trout. We had fished it last season and even though we had not caught any pike we had caught some trout and it was a lot of fun. We kinda thought something was up however as the chap who organises the boats was a bit late. It turns out that he was not going to let us out on the loch because of the weather – sure it was a bit breezy but it was pretty good conditions for fishing. Seemingly the wind had to change later and they were not willing to let us out. We were disappointed however got a weak coffee and a nice roll n’ bacon out of it.
We headed over to Loch Venachar instead where even though the guy thought we were a bit crazy due to the rain still gave us a boat.
The weather was changeable..

It is always tricky fishing somewhere new and even more difficult when the conditions are against you, still we each caught a Pike…

As we cruised around the loch we gazed at the chaps on the bank, lots of them had tents and bivys. There was a fair few fires on the go as well, in fact one chap decided he could not be bothered carrying his huge umbrella back to his car so he decided to burn it on his fire. Of course he left the debris of the brolly as well as his metal rod rest sticking out the mud but it looked like a long couple of hundred yards back to his car.
We get that a lot on the Kelvin as well, guys that just do not give a monkeys. A lot of these guys had been camped out overnight as well.

During one of the lulls in the rain we witnessed a very strong rainbow ..

It was in fact a double rainbow, you can see the other one just above the strongest one.
Later, after our session on the loch had finished we headed over to the big loch to see if we could catch any more Pike from the bank. However as we were setting up the wind caught up with us and things got a bit breezy.

We found evidence of other fishers however: footprints, litter and a shot seagull.

I do not want to cast any aspersions on the characters of the individuals that shoot seagulls and burn umbrellas however I have noticed a distinct amount of headbangery in their lineage. Their are general bylaws about not lighting fires and no wild camping as well as alcohol free zones and it seems to me that only certain folk follow these laws. That is, folk that actually cause problems through drinking alcohol in public as well as wild camping (through not tidying up after themselves) will continue to do so despite the law. Folk that actually consider laws and democracy in society to be meaningful will try and uphold them. However, the Police and Park Rangers would probably not tackle a bunch of guys drinking heavily setting fires however are happy to tackle a single lassie waiting for the T in the Park bus while she is swigging a single bottle of beer.
Finding the shot seagull was weirdly not long after I had retweeted The Suburban Bushwackers call to arms about air guns being licensed in Scotland. Personally I do not believe the above legislation would actually do much good as the crazy folk who would shoot birds would continue to do so while other folk like myself would decide not to buy an airgun due to the paperwork etc.
Anyway, I think it is time I caught a trout again and there is a tiny stream not to far from me so this week I may hit its ass in anger!
I was fishing in Bavaria the week before last and had to attend to cooncil office to purchase my temporary visitor’s state fishing licence. If I had been a resident I would have had to sit an exam (held once a year only) before getting the licence. As a visitor, I needed only to submit my passport, two photographs and some areas such as Munich will also ask for a home country licence. This means you need to buy an English licence to take with you. This seems like unnecessary officialdom to a lot of people, but you absolutely do not see neds and bams having a “kerry-oan” on the rivers and lakes of Upper Bavaria.
Not been on the Venachar in over a decade, was always good for trout, with some decent if small jackpike, unfortunately you can take some folk out the city but can’t take the city out of them and will just show no respect for their surroundings