We have now entered the longest spell of hot weather since 2006 and by heck the rivers (and fishing) show it. This weather is only good for one thing.

The level of the Kelvin has dropped significantly and even in the last week the Allander dropped even further to a proper trickle. The Salmon boys are moaning about the lack of Salmon and the trout boys can hardly get a cast at ultra spooky trout that are sitting in almost stagnant water. So now everyone is pissed off and grumpy. Expect some rumors over the next week or so as nobody has anything better to do. To fill some time there is a Work Party this Sunday if you are up for it.

A burst water main up at the Vet School pumped water from a CSO into the river and even though it was not hazardous it did cause it to look a bit unpleasant and unfishable for several kilometres downstream.

Consequently I cancelled a trip to the Clyde last weekend and headed to the sea side which in this neck of the woods is the mecca of Sea Fishing the Mull of Galloway. Got to point out here that this was a family camping trip and not a hard core fishing trip so a campsite next to the sea was booked and then I started thinking about fishing. There was one slight problem in that all my spinning rods are in storage. I decided to treat myself as quite frankly it feels like every pay day my wife comes home with something new she has bought the kids or herself so I looked through the Glasgow Angling Centre website for a beachcaster.
Now I have got absolutely no idea about Sea fishing other than a crash course a couple of years ago when I caught a Pollock on the fly and some dogfish on sand eels. I found an Sea Fishing outfit for 70 bucks (the rod looked like a AFTMA 250) which included rod, reel, line, weights , riggs and a feck of huge tripod thing that barely fitted in my car. I also bought some sand eels which thawed in the heat within 5 mins – I really need to get one of those funky[amazon_link id=”B000Y8QF16″ target=”_blank” ]Campingaz Electric Cool Box’s[/amazon_link] for the car.
To cut a long story short I cut nowt and was not that bothered as I had new fishing gear and casting a beachcaster was one heck of a lot of fun.

Oh sure, there is still trout sport to be had however you have got to be out at 1am and normal folk with jobs and families just cannot do it. I have still been out with Jim until dusk and the action has been sporadic at best. We have spotted trout rising, some good ones too however when you get within casting distance they are spooked away and it is game over. We have ventured pretty far in pursuit of action and it has been slow at best (although Jim was on a role the other night)

Of course what I want to do is get Sea Fishing with my new beachcaster however family life over the next few weeks is going to be hectic so have no idea when I would be able to fit it in. I do have one crazy idea for big fish action however we will see how that pans out over the next week or so….