See that, that was a play on words that was!
It could have been good. We had planned this for a while…..well I suppose if I was to say fortnight then it wouldn’t be the same so I will say “a while†instead. At least we had been talking about doing a bit of fishery action anyway. The only fishery that Alex and I have fished is Harelaw and seeing as how it is easy to get to by public transport I found myself at Glasgow Central on Saturday morning at 0700.

It’s funny, as the night before we noted that we have never actually fished together in good conditions, it’s either been too hot or raining or just plain wild weather. Now to add to our little collection of bizarre fishing trips it was too damn cold. We were optimistic, all the books tell you that rainbows are not bothered by the cold much more the heat, so we were both quietly optimistic (we were not going to settle for anything less than bloodlust/ killfest until our limit was reached). As it turned out Brian the owner of Harelaw did not have much to worry about from these two geniuses. His advice was traditional flies fished slow, traditional as in something small and black. After that didn’t work I decided on something big pink and sparkly, it still didn’t work.

Too cut a long story short we caught bugger all and at some point I ended up half pished. I know swigging 10 year old whiskey is not enough to have you considered a “down and out†but when you are on a train dressed like you will be sleeping under copies of the Guardian I am pretty sure people did stop and think.

I could go on about the beautiful setting, the fog in the morning, the weak sense of spring just trying to break through the bleak winter. Instead I will tell you we caught bugger all and freezed our nads off, busted the engine (again) and had to row up the loch.

Looking forward to going back though!
I stay in Neilston and although I’ve never fished the Harelaw I regularly fish the Commore Fishery just up the road from the Harelaw (’bout 1/2 mile). As well as the usual brownies, rainbows, blues, golden etc it also has tiger & ghost trout as well as atlantic salmon.
Perhaps not the best equipped fishery (fishing hut is literally just a hut) but catch rates are pretty good and the locals are friendly. Entire fishery can be walked round although boat (& apparently float tube hire) is available. Prices are good – winter ticket is £10 for 4 fish.
If you’re interested in going along at some point give me a shout – if i say I’m going along with someone famous my wife might actually let me out of the house…
To be honest I dont really do that much fishery fishing as I much prefer rivers. I appreciate the offer though!
In no way am I famous 🙂
I have to say that Harelaw has some of the best fishing in the area. The prices are better than Commore and the fish are pristine. This is the first time that I actually had a Rainbow put up quite a fight. The owner is quite picky as to the fish he will accept. I for one am quite thankful!!! If you get a chance – fish Harelaw. You will not be disappointed.
Hi Shirley,
If you have a read at the actuall post you will see that we did actually fish Harelaw- twice in fact- but alas the conditions were always against us 🙁
Hi Alistair
Im a member.. let me finish.. of the fairfield angling club based in Govan 1 min from underground. The club mainly fish lochs/fisheries which I see your not to keen on (check out the site if interested). I stayed in kelvinbridge and fished the kelvin a good few years ago I played there, made rafts, climbed under and made swings on the bridges there most of my young life revolved round the kelvin. The last time I fished it (At transport museam/kelvinhall)a friend and I foul hooked a salmon with no landing net. We improvised and used a rucksack but alas she got away which was only fair realy.
Great site I will visit again soon