Ok, yea, It might be the purpose of going fishing however when you catch feck all you have got to justify it somehow.
Looking outside the window today you would be forgiven for thinking that spring had sprung and it was a good day to fish. I however did not fish today, i went on wednesday when there was a bit of a wind, cold drizzle and I also had a thumping migraine – the migraine I whomped right in the chops with some codeine and a handful of ibuprofen. I am paying for it now though as it came back just as I got home.

Still, it was good to get out and cast a fly – some of my new ones as well. I cast to a few rising trout which ignored me or I spooked them and even when I attempted some of the dark arts my heart was not in it – finally I rose a trout and then promptly missed it.
Anyway, my new waders performed wonderfully and my new Xmas waiscoat thing was awesome – I am almost sure I looked like a new fisher wanker with all the gear and no trout to show for it.
See you next time chaps!