Was away for a week to the middle class playground of Centr Parks and was supposed to meet up with Matt from North Country Angler. Unfortunately the only day I could get away was a day that winter appeared to strike with low temps and rain so we decided to cancel. Plus I had somehow managed to break a toe which the kids loved to stamp on to see my tears.
On my return home I decided to visit a local wee stream that I have never fished before returning to work. I limped my way out the car and was glad that I was wearing my new wading boots which are a size too big as it means that I had plenty of wiggle room. The stream itself is mostly overgrown and boulder ridden and to be fair I did alright with a few trout caught on the dry fly.

However it kinda felt like the last time I fished a wee stream in that I was fishing over water that should contain a trout but they were not responding. Looking back the next day it was fairly pouring down and I wonder if the impending low pressure has something to do with it.

The trout I caught were small but fought feisty, no pictures though. They were not parr as no Salmon or trout get up here to spawn. I sometimes wonder why some wee streams like this hold a lot of trout of good size and others just wee ones, is lack of food or habitat. My wee urban burn I sometimes fish that was decimated by a couple of guys wanting bait for Pike seems to be picking up after a few years and some of those wee pools hold some nice trout.

I will come back and give this another bash at some point when my toe means I am not wincing at every step.
On my way home I loved the sunset although it was an impending omen of what was to come…