I had a blank at the LRF while on a short session on the way home from work – I stopped off at a popular spot with divers a couple of hours before high tide and was glad to have it to myself. I found that sea weed was being blown into my shore which resulted in a great difficulty in getting the jig head to actually get to the bottom. The sea weed when it was catching on the braid was acting like a float which meant the 2g jig was not scraping the bottom on the retrieve.

I moved up the loch and pulled into a wee layby I had not tried before. I found some really nice rocks which gave good access to deep water, well from what I could see it was well over 10 feet from the shore. It was pretty windy but this died down to allow me to fish – I tried some pink isome and then some red. I tried a heavier jig at 5g but still had no joy. I was pushed for time so only stayed until high tide and then high tailed it home.

I managed a wee quick session down at the wee burn where the small trout were very obliging – my fly box has now been totally re organised so finding a few suitable flies to leave in the trees for the future was easy.

I caught a half dozen trout in quick succession however none of the bigger ones which sadly I now think have all been taken away for Pike bait.

I have a session on a loch planned on Monday for monster trout – I shall be armed with the float tube and a [amazon_link id=”B00HESVVQI” target=”_blank” ]FishHunter [/amazon_link] portable fish finder.
It cannot come quick enough !
I hope you have more success with the FishHunter than the sole reviewer on Amazon … 1 star! They also list one called a Deeper Smart Fishfinder which appears better reviewed though range seems to be an issue. I didn’t even know that smartphone sonar were available …
Of course, with something like sonar you’ll have no excuse not to “fill yer boots” 😉